Here you can find most of the important preambles needed to effectively frame and run your C.A. meeting.

From the chairperson to the promises, most of what you need is right at your fingertips.

Download section

Feel free to open the files directly from the website to read in the meeting or download them to print for a more permanent solution.

Suggested participant meeting format.

Chairperson qualifies the format of the meeting, encouraging newcomers to ask questions and reminding the participants to avoid cross talk.

Suggested step study meeting format.

Experience the power of step study where the participants take turns reading and discussing the steps and traditions from the 12 steps and 12 traditions guide.

Suggested general speaker meeting format.

A speaker meeting where someone shares their experience, strength and hope in recovery, observing the traditions and concepts in the process.

We can recover.

Why we are here and there is a solution.

The C.A twelve traditions.

The twelve traditions are to the group what the twelve steps are to the individual.

Who is a cocaine addict?

Let us not forget to have a little fun even though there is a deadly earnestness to stay in recovery.

Who is a C.A. member?

Observing tradition three and the only requirement for membership.


Reminding us that alcohol is no different from any other mood or mind altering substance.

The promises.

To close the meeting, the step nine promises.

A vision for you.

As an alternative to close the meeting, a vision for you.

Reaching out.

As an alternative to close the meeting, reaching out.

Seventh tradition SnapScan.

***Please remind participants to use the meeting name as a refence when making a SnapScan seventh contribution.